
This is not my first post about introvert, yeah that's me, introvert :) :(
I'm happy to be an introvert, it's like umm, I have my own world that I can't share with anyone else. But sometimes it's kinda frustrating to having that world. I want to share some stories but I'm too afraid of what's gonna happen next, haha. I have no idea if it is introverts do or not. Or, it's just me, a coward T.T So, all I can do is writing about... everything, to set my feeling free. Don't want to cry because it makes me looks childish and weaker ><

Aaaah, what a bad day :'( anyway, tomorrow will be a good day Far and there won't be another bad day, believe that :)

Updated : hepi nih cucian coverall udah kering jam segini jadi ga mesti nungguin sampe dini hari, makasih Ya Allah, hari ini ga sepenuhnya buruk :)
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