Day 6

What's the last gift you gave to someone?

I wonder if gift has a lot of meanings. Is smile a gift? If yes so the last gift I gave was just a moment ago, hahaha, kidding, sorry. Let me think first, ummm, ah yes, my friends and I gave some gifts to process engineers in company we went for internship. It was a week ago. The gift is totally cute I think, 2 chocolate coins (gold and silver), 1 treasure chocolates, and 1 marshmallow, plus 1 cute-bird-origami, we wrapped it in small plastic bag and tied with bright ribbon. We made some testimonies, each person got different testimony card stapled with the ribbon together, really cute so it didn't match to people we wanted to gave hehe. But it's alright, at least, we showed how thankful we are since we've been allowed to learn there and how happy we are to know them :)
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